Apistogramma Agassizi Double Red

  • Apistogramma agassizii ‘Double Red’ is a captivating freshwater cichlid known for its striking coloration and elegant fin displays. The ‘Double Red’ morph is celebrated for its intense coloration and eye-catching patterns.
  • This species thrives in soft, slightly acidic to neutral water with a temperature range of 75°F to 82°F and pH levels between 6.0 to 7.5.
  • Reaching a maximum size of around 3 to 4 inches, Apistogramma agassizii ‘Double Red’ adds a splash of color and personality to any aquarium.
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Introduction: Welcome to the vibrant world of the Apistogramma agassizii Double Red, a stunningly beautiful dwarf cichlid that adds a splash of color and intrigue to any aquarium. This small but eye-catching fish is known for its vivid red hues and striking patterns, making it a popular choice among aquarists who appreciate both beauty and personality. Native to the slow-moving waters of the Amazon Basin in South America, the Apistogramma agassizii Double Red is ideal for well-maintained, species-specific tanks or peaceful community setups.

Scientific Name: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red is scientifically known as Apistogramma agassizii. It belongs to the family Cichlidae, which is renowned for its diverse and colorful cichlid species.

Water Quality and Temperature: To maintain a healthy environment for the Apistogramma agassizii Double Red, adhere to the following water parameters:

  • Temperature: Keep the temperature range between 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C) to ensure optimal health and activity.
  • pH Level: Maintain a pH level between 6.0 and 7.5, replicating their natural soft and slightly acidic waters.
  • GH Level: Aim for a general hardness (GH) level between 3 to 8 dGH, as they prefer softer water conditions.
  • KH Level: Keep the carbonate hardness (KH) within the range of 1 to 5 dKH to maintain stable water conditions.

Feeding: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red has a varied diet that includes:

  • Live Foods: Offer live foods such as micro worms, daphnia, and brine shrimp to stimulate natural hunting behaviors.
  • Frozen Foods: Provide frozen foods like bloodworms and chopped shrimp for a balanced diet.
  • Pellets: High-quality small pellets designed for dwarf cichlids can be used as a staple food.
  • Occasional Treats: Small amounts of finely chopped vegetables or live foods can be given occasionally.

Tank Mates: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red is best kept with peaceful tank mates that are not too boisterous or aggressive. Suitable companions include small, peaceful fish like tetras, rasboras, and other dwarf cichlids. Avoid housing with larger or more aggressive species that might stress or harm them.

Substrates and Tank Decorations: Use fine sand or small gravel as a substrate to mimic their natural environment and allow for digging behaviors. Include plenty of hiding spots with driftwood, rocks, and caves where the fish can retreat and feel secure. Adding live plants like Java Moss or Cryptocoryne can also provide additional cover and create a more natural setting.

Suitable Plants: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red appreciates a well-planted tank. Hardy plants such as Anubias, Java Fern, and Amazon Sword work well. These plants should be securely anchored to prevent uprooting and offer ample cover for the fish.

Sexing: Distinguishing between males and females can be done by examining their size and coloration. Males are generally more brightly colored, with larger fins and more intense red and blue patterns. Females are smaller and have less vivid colors. Observing their behavior and size differences can also aid in sexing.

Breeding: Breeding Apistogramma agassizii Double Red in captivity is feasible but requires specific conditions. Provide a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding spots, as these fish prefer to lay eggs in secluded areas. The female will guard the eggs and care for the fry, which should be fed infusoria or finely crushed food until they are large enough to eat larger prey.

Maximum Size and Longevity: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red typically grows to around 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) in length. With proper care, they can live for 5 to 10 years, making them a long-term and rewarding addition to a well-maintained aquarium.

General Information: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red is a captivating species known for its striking appearance and lively behavior. Their small size and vibrant colors make them a standout addition to a variety of aquarium setups, particularly those designed to replicate their natural habitat. Due to their specific care requirements, they are best suited for aquarists who have some experience with cichlids and smaller fish.

A Fun Fact: The Apistogramma agassizii Double Red is known for its elaborate courtship displays and vibrant coloration, which are often more pronounced during breeding periods. The male’s bright colors and intricate fin movements are designed to attract a mate and establish territory, making for a fascinating and dynamic addition to any tank.


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