Introduction: Welcome to the luminous world of the Albino Lemon Tetra, a captivating variation of the popular Lemon Tetra known for its soft yellow hues and striking red eyes. Scientifically referred to as Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis, this albino variety is a true standout in any aquarium, offering a delicate and ethereal beauty. Native to the slow-moving waters of the Amazon Basin, the Albino Lemon Tetra is a peaceful and active species, making it an excellent choice for community tanks.
Scientific Name: The Albino Lemon Tetra is scientifically known as Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis “Albino”. It is a selectively bred variant of the common Lemon Tetra, distinguished by its albinism, which gives it a pale yellow coloration and bright red eyes.
Water Quality and Temperature: To create a comfortable environment for the Albino Lemon Tetra, ensure the following water parameters:
- Temperature: Maintain a temperature range of 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C) to support their health and activity.
- pH Level: Keep the pH level between 6.0 and 7.5, replicating their natural, slightly acidic to neutral water conditions.
- GH Level: Aim for a general hardness (GH) level between 4 to 12 dGH, which is suitable for this species.
- KH Level: Maintain the carbonate hardness (KH) within the range of 2 to 8 dKH to ensure water stability.
Feeding: The Albino Lemon Tetra is an omnivorous species that thrives on a varied diet. Ensure they receive a balanced diet with:
- Flake Foods: High-quality flake foods designed for small tetras and other tropical fish.
- Pellets: Small, nutrient-rich pellets that can be easily consumed by tetras.
- Live or Frozen Foods: Offer brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms to provide essential proteins and encourage natural foraging behaviors.
- Vegetables: Occasionally provide finely chopped vegetables such as spinach or zucchini to boost their vitamin intake and provide fiber.
Tank Mates: The Albino Lemon Tetra is a peaceful schooling fish that does well in a community aquarium. It should be kept in groups of at least six to eight individuals, which will reduce stress and display their natural schooling behavior. Suitable tank mates include other peaceful species such as Neon Tetras, Corydoras catfish, and small Rasboras. Avoid housing them with large or aggressive fish that could intimidate or outcompete them for food.
Substrates and Tank Decorations: For the Albino Lemon Tetra, a dark, soft substrate like sand or fine gravel helps to accentuate their pale coloration. The tank should be well-planted with plenty of open swimming spaces. Driftwood, rocks, and leaf litter can be added to create a more natural environment that mimics their Amazonian origins. Providing shaded areas with floating plants or dense vegetation will help these tetras feel secure and reduce stress.
Suitable Plants: The Albino Lemon Tetra thrives in a planted tank. Suitable plant species include Java Fern, Amazon Sword, Cryptocoryne, and Anubias. These plants not only enhance the natural feel of the aquarium but also provide hiding spots and help maintain water quality by absorbing excess nutrients.
Sexing: Sexing Albino Lemon Tetras is relatively subtle. Males typically display a slimmer body and more intense coloration, particularly in their fins, which may appear slightly more orange or red. Females are generally rounder, especially when viewed from above, and may have a fuller, more gravid appearance when ready to spawn.
Breeding: Breeding Albino Lemon Tetras can be achieved with the right conditions. A separate breeding tank with soft, acidic water (pH around 6.0) and a temperature around 78°F (26°C) is ideal. Provide fine-leaved plants or a spawning mop where the female can scatter her eggs. After spawning, remove the parents to prevent them from eating the eggs. The eggs will hatch in about 24 to 36 hours, and the fry should be fed infusoria or liquid fry food until they are large enough to consume finely crushed flakes or baby brine shrimp.
Maximum Size and Longevity: The Albino Lemon Tetra typically grows to about 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 cm) in length. With proper care, they can live up to 5 to 8 years, providing long-term enjoyment in your aquarium.
General Information: The Albino Lemon Tetra is appreciated for its gentle nature and understated beauty. Its striking red eyes and soft yellow body make it a unique addition to any community aquarium, particularly when kept in a well-planted tank. Their peaceful demeanor and ease of care make them suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists.
A Fun Fact: The albino variant of the Lemon Tetra is a result of selective breeding, where the lack of pigmentation leads to its unique coloration. Despite their delicate appearance, Albino Lemon Tetras are hardy and adaptable, making them a popular choice for aquarists who appreciate their subtle elegance.
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