Orange Venezuelan Corydora
Introduction: The Orange Venezuelan Corydora is a captivating freshwater catfish renowned for its striking orange hue. This vibrant fish is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts due to its peaceful nature and relatively easy care requirements.
Scientific Name: Corydoras aeneus “Venezuela”
Water Quality: Orange Venezuelan Corydoras thrive in soft to moderately hard water conditions. They are adaptable to a range of water parameters but prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH levels.
pH Level: 6.0 – 7.5
GH Level: Moderately hard water is suitable, but they can tolerate a range of GH levels.
KH Level: A moderate KH level is beneficial for maintaining stable water conditions.
Feeding: These catfish are omnivores and enjoy a varied diet. Offer a combination of high-quality sinking pellets, flakes, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp.
Tank Mates: Peaceful by nature, Orange Venezuelan Corydoras are compatible with a wide range of community tank mates. They coexist well with other Corydoras species, small tetras, rasboras, and peaceful cichlids. Avoid aggressive or predatory tank mates.
Substrates and Tank Decorations: A soft, sandy substrate is ideal for these catfish as it protects their sensitive barbels. Smooth gravel can also be used. Provide plenty of hiding spots using rocks, driftwood, and aquatic plants.
Suitable Plants: Live plants contribute to water quality and offer hiding places. Java Fern, Anubias, and Cryptocoryne species are suitable choices.
Sexing Breeding: Sexing can be challenging for beginners. Males are generally smaller with slimmer bodies and elongated dorsal fins. Breeding can occur in a dedicated tank with optimal water conditions and spawning mops.
Maximum Size and Longevity: Orange Venezuelan Corydoras typically reach a maximum size of around 2.5 inches (6 cm). With proper care, they can live for several years.
Behavior: These catfish are primarily bottom dwellers, spending their time exploring the substrate in search of food. They are peaceful and shoaling fish, so it’s recommended to keep them in groups of five or more.
Things to Consider Before Buying: Ensure your aquarium is adequately cycled before introducing Orange Venezuelan Corydoras. Research their specific care requirements and compatibility with other fish species. Be prepared to provide a suitable environment with appropriate water parameters.
General Information: This captivating species is a relatively hardy catfish that adds a vibrant touch to any community aquarium. Their peaceful nature and interesting behavior make them a joy to observe.
A Fun Fact: Orange Venezuelan Corydoras are excellent algae eaters, helping to keep your aquarium clean and free of unwanted algae growth.
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