Platinum Gourami 5cm

  • Elegant and unique, the Platinum Gourami is renowned for its shimmering, silvery-white body and peaceful demeanor, making it a captivating addition to any aquarium.
  • Thrives in well-maintained freshwater conditions with a slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-8.0), soft to moderate GH (5-20 dGH), and stable temperature around 72-82°F (22-28°C).
  • Peaceful and social, they are ideal for community tanks with other gentle species like tetras, rasboras, and corydoras.
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SKU: 3121

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Introduction: The Platinum Gourami, also known as the Silver Gourami, is a stunning freshwater fish that captivates aquarists with its shimmering silver hue and peaceful demeanor. Native to Southeast Asia, particularly in slow-moving waters, this fish is a popular choice for community aquariums due to its hardy nature and adaptability.

Scientific Name: The Platinum Gourami is scientifically known as Trichopodus leerii and is a variant of the more commonly known Moonlight Gourami.

Water Quality and Temperature:

  • Temperature: Maintain the water temperature between 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C) for optimal health and activity.
  • pH Level: Aim for a pH range of 6.0 to 8.0, which reflects the slightly acidic to neutral conditions of their natural habitat.
  • Water Hardness: Keep water hardness between 5 to 20 dGH to ensure a stable environment.

Feeding: Platinum Gouramis are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet:

  • Flakes and Pellets: High-quality flakes or pellets should form the basis of their diet.
  • Live or Frozen Foods: Supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms for additional protein.
  • Vegetable Matter: Include plant-based foods like spirulina or blanched vegetables (e.g., zucchini, spinach) to promote balanced nutrition.

Tank Mates: Platinum Gouramis are generally peaceful and can coexist with a variety of tank mates. Ideal companions include other peaceful species such as tetras, rasboras, and small catfish. Avoid aggressive or overly active fish, which may stress the Gourami or outcompete them for food. Providing ample hiding spots can help create a more harmonious environment.

Substrates and Tank Decorations: A soft, sandy substrate is best for Platinum Gouramis, as it allows them to forage comfortably. Incorporate plants, driftwood, and rocks to create hiding spots and resting areas. These elements mimic their natural habitat, helping to reduce stress and encourage natural behaviors.

Suitable Plants: Platinum Gouramis appreciate densely planted tanks. Suitable plants include Java Fern, Anubias, and Amazon Swords, which provide cover and enhance the aesthetic of the aquarium. Floating plants, such as Water Lettuce, can also create shaded areas that these fish enjoy.

Sexing: Sexing Platinum Gouramis can be challenging but generally involves observing size and fin shape. Males tend to be more colorful and slightly larger than females. During breeding, males develop a more pronounced beard-like structure on their gill covers.

Breeding: Breeding Platinum Gouramis can be achieved in a well-maintained aquarium. They are bubble-nesters, creating nests from air bubbles and plant matter. To encourage breeding, provide a separate breeding tank with gentle filtration and plenty of floating plants. After spawning, remove the female to prevent her from being harassed by the male, who will care for the eggs until they hatch (in about 24 to 36 hours).

Maximum Size and Longevity: Platinum Gouramis typically grow to about 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) in length. With proper care, they can live for 5 to 7 years in captivity.

General Information: The Platinum Gourami is not only a beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium but also a hardy and adaptable fish that thrives in a community setting. Their peaceful nature and graceful swimming make them a favorite among both novice and experienced aquarists.

A Fun Fact: The Platinum Gourami gets its name from its striking silvery coloration, which can appear almost iridescent under the right lighting conditions. This shimmering effect, combined with their gentle demeanor, makes them a standout choice for aquarists seeking a peaceful yet visually appealing fish.


My Family



Where I am from


Southeast Asia

My behaviour





How do I breed


Bubble Nest Builder

Can you keep me

Care Level




Potential of Hydrogen

pH Level Aquarium pH measures water acidity/alkalinity. 7 is neutral. Fish have pH preferences; maintain ideal levels for their health and stability.

6.0 – 8.0

General Hardness

GH Level GH (General Hardness) in aquariums measures minerals like calcium and magnesium. It affects fish health by showing water\'s mineral content.

5 – 20 dGH

Carbonate Hardness

KH Level KH (Carbonate Hardness) in an aquarium stabilizes pH. It acts like a shield, keeping the water conditions just right for fish.

3 – 10 dKH


Temperature Ideal temperature needed for fish

22°C – 28°C

How long will I live

Life Span

5 – 7 Years

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