Vieja Hartwegi: The Tailbar Cichlid
Liven up your aquarium with the Vieja Hartwegi, also known as the Tailbar Cichlid. This vibrant fish is a captivating addition to the tank, boasting a colorful personality to match its scales.
Scientific Name
Vieja hartwegi
Water Quality
For optimal health, Vieja Hartwegi prefer pristine, well-filtered water with a moderate current.
- pH Level: 7.5 – 7.8 (slightly alkaline)
- GH Level: 8 – 12 dGH (moderately hard)
- KH Level: 8 – 12 dKH (moderately hard)
Vieja Hartwegi are omnivores, enjoying a varied diet of high-quality flake food, algae wafers, and occasional treats of brine shrimp or bloodworms.
Tank Mates
Due to their territorial nature, Vieja Hartwegi are best housed with larger, peaceful tank mates like armored catfish or other Central American cichlids. Avoid keeping them with smaller fish or overly passive species.
Distinguishing males from females can be challenging in juveniles. Adult males tend to be larger and develop more vibrant coloration, particularly a pronounced red patch on the lower body.
Vieja Hartwegi are monogamous breeders. They readily spawn in captivity, laying their eggs on a flat surface like a rock or piece of driftwood.
Maximum Size and Longevity
With proper care, Vieja Hartwegi can reach up to 12 inches (30 cm) in length and live for 10-15 years.
General Information
Vieja Hartwegi are known for their intelligence and can even recognize their owner! They appreciate hiding places within the tank, such as driftwood and rock formations.
Fun Fact
Vieja Hartwegi come in two forms: The typical morph with a mid-lateral body band, and a recently discovered “rheophilic” form found in fast-flowing rivers.
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