White Cloud Mountain Minnow
Introduction The White Cloud Mountain Minnow is a popular choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Known for its hardy nature and vibrant colors, this small fish is a delightful addition to any freshwater aquarium.
Scientific Name Tanichthys albonubes
Water Quality White Clouds are adaptable to a range of water conditions but prefer cool to moderate temperatures. High-quality water with adequate oxygenation is essential for their health.
pH Level 6.5 to 7.5
GH Level Moderate to hard
KH Level Moderate to hard
Feeding Omnivorous, accepting a variety of flake, pellet, and live foods. A balanced diet is crucial for optimal health.
Tank Mates Peaceful and shoaling fish, they are best kept in groups of six or more. Suitable tank mates include other small, peaceful species. Avoid aggressive or larger fish.
Substrates and Tank Decorations A natural-looking aquarium with plenty of hiding spots is ideal. Smooth gravel or sand substrates are preferred. Provide live plants, rocks, and driftwood for cover.
Suitable Plants Java Fern, Anubias, and other hardy plants are suitable choices.
Sexing Breeding Males are smaller and more slender with brighter colors than females. Breeding can occur in a community tank but is more successful in a separate breeding setup.
Maximum Size and Longevity Typically reaches a maximum size of 4 cm. Average lifespan is around 3-5 years.
Behavior Shoaling fish that prefer the middle to upper water column. Generally peaceful and active.
Things to Consider Before Buying White Clouds are hardy but require good water quality. Ensure your aquarium is properly cycled before introducing them. Consider the long-term commitment of fishkeeping.
General Information Native to China, this species has been a popular aquarium fish for many years. They are relatively easy to care for and make an excellent choice for beginners.
A Fun Fact White Clouds are sometimes referred to as “the working man’s neon” due to their vibrant colors and affordability.
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