Striped Silver Dollar

  • The Striped Silver Dollar (Metynnis fasciatus) is an elegant schooling fish known for its striking silver coloration and distinctive striped pattern.
  • Thrives in peaceful community aquariums with stable water conditions, including a temperature range of 72°F to 82°F and a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5.
  • With its agile swimming and peaceful demeanor, the Striped Silver Dollar adds grace and charm to any aquarium, making it a favored choice among freshwater fish enthusiasts.
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SKU: A5C288

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Introduction: Introducing the elegant and eye-catching Striped Silver Dollar, a beautiful schooling fish that promises to bring grace and charm to your aquarium. Known for its striking silver coloration and distinctive striped pattern, the Striped Silver Dollar is a popular choice among freshwater fish enthusiasts, enchanting all with its peaceful demeanor and captivating appearance.

Scientific Name: The Striped Silver Dollar is scientifically known as Metynnis fasciatus. It belongs to the characin family and is also commonly referred to as the Striped Metynnis.

Water Quality and Temperature: Creating an ideal aquatic environment is essential for the well-being of the Striped Silver Dollar. Maintain stable water conditions with specific temperature and parameters:

  • Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 72°F and 82°F (22°C to 28°C) to ensure their optimal health and activity.
  • pH Level: Maintain the pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 to replicate their natural freshwater habitats.
  • GH Level: Aim for a general hardness (GH) level ranging from 4 to 10 dGH for their well-being.
  • KH Level: Maintain the carbonate hardness (KH) within the range of 4 to 8 dKH.

Feeding: The Striped Silver Dollar is primarily herbivorous, and their diet should consist of a variety of vegetable matter, such as high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional fresh or blanched vegetables like spinach and cucumber.

Tank Mates: The Striped Silver Dollar is a peaceful schooling fish, making it an excellent addition to a community aquarium. They get along well with other peaceful, non-aggressive fish of similar size.

Substrates and Tank Decorations: Provide a sandy or fine-grain substrate to mimic their natural environment. Adding driftwood, rocks, and live plants will create a more natural and visually appealing habitat for the Striped Silver Dollar.

Suitable Plants: Choose robust and hardy plants like Java Fern, Amazon Sword, or Anubias, as the Striped Silver Dollar may nibble on softer plant varieties.

Sexing: Sexing Striped Silver Dollars can be challenging, as there are no significant external differences between males and females.

Breeding: Breeding Striped Silver Dollars can be challenging in a home aquarium, and specific conditions, including separate breeding tanks with optimal water parameters, are required to encourage successful breeding.

Maximum Size and Longevity: Observe in awe as the Striped Silver Dollar reaches a size of around 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm). With proper care, these graceful fish can live up to 8 to 10 years, providing a delightful and enduring presence in your aquatic family.

General Information: The Striped Silver Dollar’s elegant appearance and peaceful nature make it a favored and cherished choice among freshwater fish enthusiasts.

A Fun Fact: Striped Silver Dollars are known for their agile and nimble swimming abilities, often schooling together in a mesmerizing display of grace and beauty.

Embrace the grace and charm of the Striped Silver Dollar in your aquarium. With its striking silver coloration, peaceful demeanor, and graceful swimming, this charming schooling fish is sure to become a delightful and cherished addition to your aquatic realm, captivating all who observe its serene presence.


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