Turkis Peacock

  • The Turkis Peacock is a striking cichlid species hailing from Lake Malawi, Africa, known for its brilliant turquoise color and distinct fin patterns.
  • This omnivorous cichlid enjoys a diet of high-quality pellets and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms.
  • Create a rocky aquarium setup with sandy substrates to mimic their natural habitat, and enjoy observing the captivating colors and behaviors of the Turkis Peacock in your home aquarium.
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Introduction: Introducing the Turkis Peacock – a stunning and colorful cichlid species originating from the crystal clear waters of Lake Malawi in Africa. With its striking turquoise hues and unique fin patterns, the Turkis Peacock is a popular choice for cichlid enthusiasts, adding a touch of elegance to any aquarium.

Scientific Name: The Turkis Peacock is scientifically known as Aulonocara sp., with various specific species and color morphs available within the Aulonocara genus.

Water Quality:

  • Temperature: Maintain the water temperature within the species’ preferred range (consult specific species information).
  • pH Level: Aim for a stable pH level according to the species’ requirements (consult specific species information).
  • GH Level: Provide a suitable general hardness (GH) level for African cichlids (consult specific species information).
  • KH Level: Ensure a proper carbonate hardness (KH) level for African cichlids (consult specific species information) to maintain water stability.

Feeding: The Turkis Peacock is omnivorous, and its diet should consist of high-quality cichlid pellets, supplemented with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.

Tank Mates: Choose tank mates that share similar water requirements and temperament with the Turkis Peacock, ensuring a peaceful and harmonious aquarium environment.

Substrates and Tank Decorations: Replicate the sandy and rocky environment of Lake Malawi with sandy substrates and provide rock formations to create hiding spots and territories.

Suitable Plants: African cichlids like the Turkis Peacock are not typically kept with live aquatic plants. Focus on providing rockwork and artificial decorations to mimic their natural habitat.

Sexing: Sexing the Turkis Peacock can be challenging, but adult males usually exhibit more vibrant colors and elongated dorsal fins than females.

Breeding: Breeding African cichlids can be rewarding. Provide flat rocks or caves for the female to lay her eggs, and closely monitor the spawning process.

Maximum Size and Longevity: The Turkis Peacock can grow up to approximately 5-6 inches (12-15 cm). With proper care, they can live up to 6-10 years or more.

General Information: To ensure the best care for the Turkis Peacock or any Aulonocara species, it is essential to specify the exact species and color morph within the Aulonocara genus.

A Fun Fact: The Turkis Peacock is named after its brilliant turquoise color, resembling the vibrant hues of the precious gemstone “turquoise.”

Create a mesmerizing aquarium display with the elegant Turkis Peacock, and experience the beauty and charm of this African cichlid species as it showcases its vibrant colors and unique fin patterns in your home aquarium.


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